javascript python


Example connection that subscribes to the tracking/state topic:

const WebSocket = require("ws");

const connection = new WebSocket("ws://");

connection.on("open", () => {
      op: "subscribe",
      topic: "/api/v1/tracking/state",

connection.on("message", (data) => {
  const message = JSON.parse(data);
  const isTracking = message.msg.is_tracking;
  console.log(`The system is ${isTracking ? "" : "not "}tracking`);
import asyncio
import websockets
import json

async def subscribe_to_tracking():
    uri = "ws://"
    async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
        await websocket.send(json.dumps({
            "op": "subscribe",
            "topic": "/api/v1/tracking/state"
        while True:
            message = json.loads(await websocket.recv())
            is_tracking = message['msg']['is_tracking']
            print(f'The system is {"" if is_tracking else "not "}tracking')


Welcome to the documentation of the Seervision Suite Production API. This documentation gives an overview of the communication mechanism between a client and the Seervision Suite (server).

Communication between the client and the server is works over WebSockets. The server accepts requests on port 80 on ws://

If you are running multiple Seervision Suite instances on a single server (such as on an SVs4), the associated URLs change for the instances, i.e. ws:// and ws:// respectively.

The transport mechanism

Example message:

  "op": "Example"

A message sent through the WebSocket is, in the base case, a JSON object with a string field called "op".

The op field indicates the type of this message. Messages with different values for op may be handled differently.

Optionally, a message can also provide an arbitrary string ID.

Example message with an ID:

  "op": "Example",
  "id": "example_id"

If an ID is provided with a message to the server, then related response messages will typically contain that ID as well. Log messages caused by this operation will also contain the ID.

Semantically, the ID is not an identifier of the specific message that it is in, but instead is an identifier for an interaction which may consist of a number of operations in back-and-forth messages. Thus, the ID may be used by multiple messages referring to the same transaction.


An authentication mechanism is not provided for now, but might be added in the future.

Communication protocol

There are two concepts that allow the client communicate with the server, get updates and request changes.

Services and service calls

Example service call:

  "op": "call_service",
  "id": "take_control",
  "service": "/api/v1/ptu_driver/take_control"

Example of a successful service response:

  "op": "service_response",
  "id": "take_control",
  "service": "/api/v1/ptu_driver/take_control",
  "result": true
  "values": {
    "success": true

Example of a failed service response:

  "op": "service_response",
  "id": "take_control",
  "service": "/api/v1/ptu_driver/take_control",
  "result": false,
  "values": "Service does not exist"

A service provides a request/reply interface, which the client can utilize to request a one-time information or a simple "one-shot" action. To initiate the request, the client needs to send a message with a "call_service" op field. The server will then respond with a message containing a "service_response" op field, and additional information, specific to the service.

call_service fields are:

Field Required Description
op yes Must be the string "call_service".
service yes A string defining the name of the service. See below for specific services provided by the API.
id no An optional string identifying the request.
args no An object with arguments for the request. This format of the object depends on the service.

service_response fields are:

Field Required Description
op yes Will be the string "service_response".
service yes The name of the service that was called.
result yes true if server managed to process request successfully, false otherwise.
id no If an ID was provided to the service request, then the service response will contain the ID.
values no If result is true, this field will contain an object with the result of the call, with the structure defined separately for every service. If result is false, values will be a string containing a detailed error message.

Topics and topic subscriptions

Example "subscribe" message:

  "op": "subscribe",
  "topic": "/api/v1/tracking/state"

Example "unsubscribe" message:

  "op": "unsubscribe",
  "topic": "/api/v1/tracking/state"

Example topic message:

  "op": "publish",
  "topic": "/api/v1/tracking/state",
  "msg": {
    "data": false

A topic allows the client to subscribe to a stream of data from the server. This is especially useful when the client wants, for example, to get notified about the system status, e.g. tracking status. All messages in the topic are guaranteed to have the same format as specified below.

The client can send a message with an op of "subscribe" to subscribe to a specific topic and a message with op equal to "unsubscribe" to cancel the subscription. Once the subscription is initiated, the server will start sending messages of a type specific for this particular topic with "publish" in the op field.

subscribe and unsubscribe fields are specified as follows:

Field Required Description
op yes Must be either "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" (string).
topic yes A string defining the name of the topic. See below for specific services provided by the API.
id no A string identifying the subscription. If it is not provided in the unsubscribe request, all subscriptions will be cancelled. If it is provided, only the subscription with the given id will be cancelled.

publish fields have the following specification:

Field Required Description
op yes Must be the string "publish".
topic yes A string defining the name of the topic.
msg yes An object containing the message payload. The structure of this field is specific to topics (see below).


The API version is defined by the v<major_version>.<minor_version> string, where both major_version and minor_version are integers. All topics and services are versioned, and have a /api/v<major_version>/ prefix.

It is guaranteed that:

  1. The transport mechanism and communication protocols will not be changed in minor version updates.
  2. The general structure of messages described above will not change in minor version updates.
  3. The messages defined for every topic and every service will not have fields removed in minor version updates. Some fields may, however, be added.

Current version

The current version of the API is v1.11.


Date Version Description
Feb 28, 2024 v1.11 Add new tracking policies for container recall, modify tracking state messages, modify Start Tracking API
Nov 15, 2023 v1.10 Deprecate TriggerZones API, release new Zones API, Automations API, VIP lost event
Oct 20, 2023 v1.9 Allow recalling container with policy
Feb 21, 2023 v1.8 Allow recalling container by name.
Nov 30, 2022 v1.7 Deprecation of shot presets.
Aug 26, 2021 v1.6 Presets are containers
Jul 20, 2021 v1.5 Added tally status.
Jun 30, 2021 v1.4 Added container status topic.
Apr 30, 2021 v1.3 Added container groups.
Apr 20, 2021 v1.2 Added containers, and added deprecation note to presets and shot presets.
Mar 8, 2021 v1.1 Removed tracking and framing presets.
Jun 23, 2020 v1.0 First public API release.

Client libraries

If you would like to implement your own client application, here's a few links to get you started:


The Seervision Suite provides two internal core automation features that trigger actions based on several events:

By using the below automation endpoints, it is possible to enable or disable both of the aforementioned automations.

Service: enable/disable automations

Request message:

This service will enable or disable the internal automations described above.

Request to enable/disable the automations:

  "op": "call_service",
  "service": "/api/v1/automation/enabled/set",
  "args": {
    "data": true

The args required have the following fields:

Field Required Description
data yes A boolean set to true to enable the automations or false to disable them.

Response message:

Response to the "enable/disable the automations" request:

  "op": "service_response",
  "service": "/api/v1/automation/enabled/set",
  "result": true,
  "values": {
    "success": true

The values returned will have the following fields:

Field Required Description
success yes A boolean set to true if the requested operation is successful or false otherwise.

Topic: get automations state

Message to initiate the subscription:

  "op": "subscribe",
  "topic": "/api/v1/automation/enabled"

Message to cancel the subscription:

  "op": "unsubscribe",
  "topic": "/api/v1/automation/enabled"

The /api/v1/automation/enabled topic can be used to subscribe to changes to the automation state. It will publish a new message whenever the state is changed. Upon subscription, the client will receive one immediate message with the current automation state.

Example topic publication:

  "op": "publish",
  "topic": "/api/v1/automation/enabled",
  "msg": {
    "data": true

The fields of the messages in this topic are:

Field Required Description
data yes A boolean set to true if the rautomations are enabled or false otherwise.


The system is controllable through user-defined containers. Each container consists of versatile components, that define the behavior of the container once it is recalled. Among other things, containers allow the user to request the camera move to a specific preset (pan/tilt/zoom/focus) position, as well as define and recall presets of framing shots. For more information, see our manual.

This section defines services for creating, deleting, and recalling containers, as well as two topics that publish updates regarding containers.

Service: create a container

Request message:

This service will create a container using the current system state as specified by the provided configuration type.

Request to create a Position container:

  "op": "call_service",
  "service": "/api/v1/containers/create",
  "args": {
    "name": "New container",
    "configuration_type": "position"

Request to create a Shot container:

  "op": "call_service",
  "service": "/api/v1/containers/create",
  "args": {
    "name": "",
    "configuration_type": "shot"

Request to create an Empty container:

  "op": "call_service",
  "service": "/api/v1/containers/create",
  "args": {
    "name": "",
    "configuration_type": "empty"

The args field passed with the request can contain the following fields:

Field Required Description
name no A string, the name of the container. If not provided or empty, will be generated automatically.
configuration_type yes Container configuration. The following configurations are supported:
  • empty: creates an empty container without any components.
  • position: creates a Position container with Preview, Position, Transition and Tracking components.
  • shot: creates a Shot container with Preview, Transition, Shot and Tracking components.
    In v1.7, the Framing component was replaced by the Shot component and the Position component was removed.

Response message:

Response to the "create a container" request:

  "op": "service_response",
  "service": "/api/v1/containers/create",
  "result": true,
  "values": {
    "new_container": {
      "id": "6f0c84",
      "name": "Container 1"

The values returned will have the following fields:

Field Required Description
new_container yes A Container object defining the newly created container.

Service: delete a container

This service will delete a container with the provided ID. It will not throw if the container with the given ID is missing.

Request message:

Request to delete a container:

  "op": "call_service",
  "service": "/api/v1/containers/delete",
  "args": {
    "container_id": "6f0c84"

The args passed with this call should have the following structure:

Field Required Description
container_id yes A string identifying the container to be deleted.

Response message:

Response to the "delete a container" request:

  "op": "service_response",
  "service": "/api/v1/containers/delete",
  "result": true,
  "values": {}

The server will return an empty message in response.

Service: get all containers

This service will return all saved containers.

Request message:

Request to get all containers:

  "op": "call_service",
  "service": "/api/v1/containers/get_all"

This service call doesn't expect any arguments.

Response message:

Response to the "get all containers" request:

  "op": "service_response",
  "service": "/api/v1/containers/get_all",
  "result": true,
  "values": {
    "containers": [
        "id": "f0c846",
        "name": "Container 1"
        "id": "a87c21",
        "name": "Main stage"

The values returned will have the following fields:

Field Required Description
containers yes An array of Container elements.

Service: recall a container

This service sends a request to the Seervision Suite to recall specific container using its name or ID.

Request message:

Request to recall a container:

  "op": "call_service",
  "service": "/api/v1/containers/recall",
  "args": {
    "container": "My container",
    "policy": {}

The service expects the following args structure:

Field Required Description
container yes A string with the container's name or identifier.
container_id DEPRECATED no A string with the container's identifier. Starting v1.8 this field is no longer used and is only kept for backward compatibility reasons.
policy no A Policy structure that communicates to the tracking container which subject to track. If not provided, the system will start tracking either the previously tracked person, or, if the previously tracked person is no longer visible (or there was no last tracked person at all), the person closest to the middle of the frame. If the container does not have a tracking component, adding this argument causes a recall failure. This option is only available starting v1.9.

Response message:

Response to the "recall a container" request when container doesn't exist

  "op": "service_response",
  "service": "/api/v1/containers/recall",
  "result": false,
  "values": "Container with id \"756064\" does not exist"

Response to the successful "recall a container" request:

  "op": "service_response",
  "service": "/api/v1/containers/recall",
  "result": true,
  "values": {}

If successful, the response will be an empty message. In all other cases, the result will be false and the values field will contain an error message. Those messages can include:

Topic: get containers

Message to initiate the subscription:

  "op": "subscribe",
  "topic": "/api/v1/containers/updates"

Message to cancel the subscription:

  "op": "unsubscribe",
  "topic": "/api/v1/containers/updates"

The /api/v1/containers/updates topic can be used to subscribe to changes to the containers. It will publish a new message whenever a container is added, deleted, or updated. Upon subscription, the client will receive one immediate message with the current containers.

Example topic publication:

  "op": "publish",
  "topic": "/api/v1/containers/updates",
  "msg": {
    "containers": [
        "id": "f0c846",
        "name": "Container 1"
        "id": "a87c21",
        "name": "Main stage"

The fields of the messages in this topic are:

Field Required Description
containers yes An array of Container elements.

Topic: get container status

Message to initiate the subscription:

  "op": "subscribe",
  "topic": "/api/v1/containers/status"

Message to cancel the subscription:

  "op": "unsubscribe",
  "topic": "/api/v1/containers/status"

The /api/v1/containers/status topic can be used to subscribe to notifications about the recall status of containers. Since only one container at a time can be recalled, the message sent through this topic contains information only about the last recalled container.

Example topic publication:

  "op": "publish",
  "topic": "/api/v1/containers/status",
  "msg": {
    "container_id": "f0c846",
    "status": "running",
    "status_message": ""

The fields of the messages in this topic are:

Field Required Description
container_id yes A string representing the unique container ID.
status yes A string representing the container status. There are four statuses that get reported by this topic:
  • "running": gets triggered when container execution gets started.
  • "completed": gets triggered once a container has successfully been executed.
  • "interrupted": gets triggered if container execution is interrupted by a manual camera movement.
  • "abandoned": gets triggered if container execution is interrupted by an automatic camera action, like another container or a "start tracking" action.
  • "raised_error": gets triggered if container execution is failed.
status_message yes A message containing more details regarding the status of the container. Usually is used for "raised_error" status indicating the reasons the container failed to be executed. See Start Tracking API for the possible error messages that may occur.

    The system guarantees that every running status update is always followed by an abandoned, completed, interrupted or raised_error status update for the same container.

    Container groups

    In the UI of the Seervision Suite, Containers can be collected into groups for easier management when there are many containers in the interface. This API provides the means to query these groups.

    Service: get container groups

    Request message:

    This service will return the list of container groups in the order they appear in the UI.

    Request to get container groups:

      "op": "call_service",
      "service": "/api/v1/container_groups/get_all"

    This service call doesn't expect any arguments.

    Response message:

    Response to the "get container groups" request:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/container_groups/get_all",
      "result": true,
      "values": {
        "container_groups": [{
          "group_id": "6f0c84",
          "group_name": "Group 1",
          "color": "flamingo",
          "container_ids": ["52ac65", "c6fd11"]
        }, {
          "group_id": "7c0849",
          "group_name": "Group 2",
          "color": "roquefort",
          "container_ids": []
        }, {
          "group_id": "",
          "group_name": "",
          "color": "",
          "container_ids": ["995d22"]

    The values returned will have the following fields:

    Field Required Description
    container_groups yes An array of ContainerGroups. It is guaranteed that the groups appear in the same order as they are displayed in the UI. It is guaranteed that a default group will always be there, and that it will be the last in the list.

    Topic: get container groups

    Message to initiate the subscription:

      "op": "subscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/container_groups/updates"

    Message to cancel the subscription:

      "op": "unsubscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/container_groups/updates"

    The /api/v1/container_groups/updates topic can be used to subscribe to the changes to the container groups. It will publish a new message whenever a container group is added or deleted, or when the order of containers in one of the groups is updated. Upon subscription, the client will receive one immediate message with the current container groups.

    Example topic publication:

      "op": "publish",
      "topic": "/api/v1/container_groups/updates",
      "msg": {
        "container_groups": [{
          "group_id": "6f0c84",
          "group_name": "Group 1",
          "color": "flamingo",
          "container_ids": ["52ac65", "c6fd11"]
        }, {
          "group_id": "7c0849",
          "group_name": "Group 2",
          "color": "roquefort",
          "container_ids": []
        }, {
          "group_id": "",
          "group_name": "",
          "color": "",
          "container_ids": ["995d22"]

    The fields of the messages in this topic are:

    Field Required Description
    container_groups yes An array of ContainerGroups. It is guaranteed that the groups appear in the same order as they are displayed in the UI. It is guaranteed that a default group will always be there, and that it will be the last in the list.


    Zones can be defined through the Seervision Suite UI to enable zone-based workflow automations, both for visual and audio detections. Three types of Zones are currently supported by the Seervision Suite:

    This section describes a service and a topic that can be used to retrieve information about all available zones.

    Service: set zone state

    Request message:

    This service changes the "enabled" state of the specified zones.

    Example request to change status of zones:

      "op": "call_service",
      "service": "/api/v1/exclusion_zones/set_state",
      "args": {
        "zones": ["756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21", "My Zone 1"],
        "set_enable": true

    The args field passed with the request must have the following fields:

    Field Required Description
    zones yes A list of strings (either their name or unique ID) to set the state
    set_enable yes A boolean, true if the zone should be enabled, and false otherwise.

    Response message:

    Example response to the "set zones state" request:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/exclusion_zones/set_state",
      "result": true,
      "values": {
        "responses": [
            "zone": "756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
            "success": true,
            "message": ""
            "zone": "My Zone 1",
            "success": true,
            "message": ""

    The server response will contain an array of the same size as the request. The returned fields for each specified Zone will have the following structure:

    Field Required Description
    zone yes A string containing the Zone ID or name of the relevant Zone
    success yes A boolean indicating whether the request was succesful or not.
    message yes A string containing an error message if the request failed, such as Zone not found, when the Zone ID or name is incorrect.

    Topic: get zones state

    Message to initiate the subscription:

      "op": "subscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/<zones_type>/state"

    Message to cancel the subscription:

      "op": "unsubscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/<zones_type>/state"

    The /api/v1/<zones_type>/state topic can be used to subscribe to changes to the zones. It will publish a new message whenever a zone is added, deleted, renamed or the state is changed (i.e., enabled/disabled or the list of inside persons changed). Upon subscription, the client will receive one immediate message with the current zones and their state.

    Example topic publication:

      "op": "publish",
      "topic": "/api/v1/exclusion_zones/state",
      "msg": {
        "zones": [ {
          "zone": {
              "name": "My zone",
              "id": "756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
              "frame_id": "world",
              "type": "audio_exclusion_zone"
            "enabled": true
            "inside": ["7", "23", "Foo", "4"]
            }, {...}

    The fields of the messages in this topic are:

    Field Required Description
    zones yes An array of ZoneState elements.


    The Events endpoint can be used by consumers to receive updates when the Seervision Suite detects a specific event. Currently, the following sources emit events:

    Topic: get events fired by Zones

    Message to initiate the subscription:

      "op": "subscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/events/zones"

    Message to cancel the subscription:

      "op": "unsubscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/events/zones"

    The /api/v1/events/zones can be used to get updates from the Seervision Suite when a specific event is fired by a Zone. As soon as a Zone detects an event, a message will be sent to this topic with event information.

    When using the API, keep in mind that:

    Example topic publication:

      "op": "publish",
      "topic": "/api/v1/events/zones",
      "msg": {
        "events": [ {
          "event": "person_appeared",
          "zone": {
            "name": "My zone 1",
            "id": "756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
            "frame_id": "",
            "type": "vision_trigger_zone"
          "caused_by": "15",
          "inside": ["Foo", "10", "15"]
        }, {...}]

    The list of msg will have the ZoneEvent type.

    Topic: get events fired by trigger zones - DEPRECATED

    Message to initiate the subscription:

      "op": "subscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/events/trigger_zones"

    Message to cancel the subscription:

      "op": "unsubscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/events/trigger_zones"

    The /api/v1/events/trigger_zones can be used to get updates from the Seervision Suite when a specific event is fired by a trigger zone. As soon as a trigger zone detects an event, a message will be sent down this topic with event information.

    When using the API, keep in mind that:

    Example topic publication:

      "op": "publish",
      "topic": "/api/v1/events/trigger_zones",
      "msg": {
        "type": "person_entered",
        "zone_id": "756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21"

    The msg object will have the TriggerZoneEvent type.

    Topic: get event fired by VIP status

    Message to initiate the subscription:

      "op": "subscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/events/vip_lost"

    Message to cancel the subscription:

      "op": "unsubscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/events/vip_lost"

    The Seervision Suite can also emit events when the VIP (tracked person) is no longer detectable in the video feed. This information is available through the /api/v1/events/vip_lost endpoint.

    When using the API, keep in mind:

    Example topic publication:

      "op": "publish",
      "topic": "/api/v1/events/vip_lost",
      "msg": {
        "seq": 0,
        "stamp": {
          "secs": 1694342678,
          "nsecs": 124843120
        "frame_id": ""

    The fields of the messages in this topic are:

    Field Required Description
    seq yes An integer containing the sequence number of the message.
    stamp yes A structure containing the unix epoch time in precision of seconds (secs) and nanoseconds (nsecs) the event is fired.
    frame_id yes A string containing the video stream reference frame ID at the time the VIP was lost. Currently, it is always empty.

    PTU control

    Some PTUs/PTZs (e.g. from Panasonic) have their own control system for the PTU (Pan Tilt Unit). The Seervision API provides a set of services that allow the client take control of the head, release control, as well as a topic that publishes messages which help the client determine whether Seervision Suite is currently in control. When the Seervision Suite releases control, it stops sending any control message to the PTU.

    Service: take control

    Request message:

    Request to take control:

      "op": "call_service",
      "service": "/api/v1/ptu_driver/take_control"

    This service call doesn't expect any arguments.

    Response message:

    Response to the "take control" request:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/ptu_driver/take_control",
      "result": true,
      "values": {}

    The server will return an empty message in response.

    Service: release control

    Request to release control

      "op": "call_service",
      "service": "/api/v1/ptu_driver/release_control"

    This service call doesn't expect any arguments.

    Response message:

    Response to the "release control" request:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/ptu_driver/release_control",
      "result": true,
      "values": {}

    The server will return an empty message in response.

    Topic: PTU driver control status

    Message to initiate the subscription:

      "op": "subscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/ptu_driver/in_control"

    Message to cancel the subscription:

      "op": "unsubscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/ptu_driver/in_control"

    A client can subscribe to changes to the control status from the /api/v1/ptu_driver/in_control topic. Upon subscription, the client will receive one immediate message with the current status.

    Example topic publication:

      "op": "publish",
      "topic": "/api/v1/ptu_driver/in_control",
      "msg": {
        "in_control": false

    The messages sent through this topic will have the following fields:

    Field Required Description
    in_control yes true means that Seervision Suite is in control, and false stands for the opposite.

    Tracking state

    This section defines services and topics related to the tracking state of the system, i.e. whether the system is currently tracking someone or not.

    Service: start tracking

    Request message:

    Request to start tracking:

      "op": "call_service",
      "service": "/api/v1/tracking/start",
      "args": {
        "policy": {}
    Field Required Description
    policy no A Policy structure that communicates to the tracking container which subject to track. If not provided, the system will start tracking either the previously tracked person, or, if the previously tracked person is no longer visible (or there was no last tracked person at all), the person closest to the middle of the frame.

    Response message:

    Response to the "start tracking" request:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/tracking/start",
      "result": true,
      "values": {}

    If successful, the response will be an empty message. In all other cases, the result will be false and the values field will contain an error message. Those messages can include:

    General Errors:

    Policy people Errors:

    Policy location Errors:

    Policy last_tracked_people Errors:

    Service: stop tracking

    Request to stop tracking

      "op": "call_service",
      "service": "/api/v1/tracking/stop"

    Response message:

    Response to the "stop tracking" request:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/tracking/stop",
      "result": true,
      "values": {}

    If successful, the response will be an empty message. In all other cases, the result will be false and the values field will contain an error message.

    Topic: get tracking state

    Message to initiate the subscription:

      "op": "subscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/tracking/state"

    Message to cancel the subscription:

      "op": "unsubscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/tracking/state"

    A client can subscribe to changes to the tracking state from the /api/v1/tracking/state topic. Upon subscription, the client will receive one immediate message with the current state.

    Example topic publication:

      "op": "publish",
      "topic": "/api/v1/tracking/state",
      "msg": {
        "is_tracking": false,
        "people": ["1", "Aristotelis"]

    The messages sent through this topic have the following structure:

    Field Required Description
    is_tracking yes A boolean. true if the system is currently tracking a person, and false otherwise.
    people yes An array of strings containing the identifiers of the current tracked people if tracking is on or the last people otherwise.

    Trigger zones - DEPRECATED

    This section describes a service and a topic that can be used to retrieve information about the trigger zones defined in the Seervision Suite.

    Service: set trigger zone state - DEPRECATED

    Request message:

    This service changes the "enabled" state of a single trigger zone.

    Request to change status of a single trigger zone:

      "op": "call_service",
      "service": "/api/v1/trigger_zones/set_status_of_single_zone",
      "args": {
        "zone_id": "756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
        "is_enabled": true

    The args field passed with the request must have the following fields:

    Field Required Description
    zone_id yes A string, unique ID of the trigger zone that initiated the event.
    is_enabled yes A boolean, true if the zone should be enabled, and false otherwise.

    Response message:

    Response to the "update trigger zone 'enabled' status" request:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/trigger_zones/set_status_of_single_zone",
      "result": true,
      "values": {}

    The server will return an empty message in response if the zone was successfully updated.

    Service: set state of all trigger zones - DEPRECATED

    Request message:

    This service changes the "enabled" state of a single trigger zone.

    Request to change status of all trigger zones:

      "op": "call_service",
      "service": "/api/v1/trigger_zones/set_status_of_all_zones",
      "args": {
        "is_enabled": true

    The args field passed with the request must have the following fields:

    Field Required Description
    is_enabled yes A boolean, true if all trigger zones should be enabled, and false otherwise.

    Response message:

    Response to the "update trigger zones 'enabled' status" request:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/trigger_zones/set_status_of_all_zones",
      "result": true,
      "values": {}

    The server will return an empty message in response if all zones got successfully updated.

    Service: get trigger zones - DEPRECATED

    Request message:

    This service returns the list of trigger zones in the system.

    Request to list trigger zones:

      "op": "call_service",
      "service": "/api/v1/trigger_zones/get_all"

    This service call doesn't expect any arguments.

    Response message:

    Response to the "get all trigger zones" request:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/trigger_zones/get_all",
      "result": true,
      "values": {
        "trigger_zones": [
            "id": "756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
            "name": "Trigger Zone 1",
            "is_enabled": false
            "id": "856064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
            "name": "Trigger Zone 2",
            "is_enabled": true

    The values returned will have the following fields:

    Field Required Description
    trigger_zones yes An array of TriggerZone elements.

    Topic: get trigger zones - DEPRECATED

    Message to initiate the subscription:

      "op": "subscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/trigger_zones/updates"

    Message to cancel the subscription:

      "op": "unsubscribe",
      "topic": "/api/v1/trigger_zones/updates"

    The /api/v1/trigger_zones/updates topic can be used to subscribe to changes to the trigger zones. It will publish a new message whenever a trigger zone is added, deleted, or renamed. Upon subscription, the client will receive one immediate message with the current trigger zones.

    Example topic publication:

      "op": "publish",
      "topic": "/api/v1/trigger_zones/updates",
      "msg": {
        "trigger_zones": [
            "id": "756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
            "name": "Trigger Zone 1",
            "is_enabled": false
            "id": "856064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
            "name": "Trigger Zone 2",
            "is_enabled": true

    The fields of the messages in this topic are:

    Field Required Description
    trigger_zones yes An array of TriggerZone elements.


    This section describes the services that allow the user to check availability of other services and topics, provided by the API.

    Service: is service available

    Request message:

    This service accepts service string in a request, and returns true if the service exists, and false otherwise.

    Request to check service availability

      "op": "call_service",
      "service": "/api/v1/endpoints/is_service_available",
      "args": {
        "service": "/api/v1/tracking/start"

    The args field passed with the request must have the following fields:

    Field Required Description
    service yes A string, the service path to check.

    Response message:

    Response to the "check service availability" request if service exists:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/endpoints/is_service_available",
      "result": true,
      "values": {
        "is_available": true

    Response to the "check service availability" request if service does not exist:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/endpoints/is_service_available",
      "result": true,
      "values": {
        "is_available": false

    The values returned will have the following fields:

    Field Required Description
    is_available yes A boolean, true if the service exists, false otherwise.

    Service: is topic available

    Request message:

    This service accepts topic string in a request, and returns true if the topic exists, and false otherwise.

    Request to check topic availability

      "op": "call_service",
      "service": "/api/v1/endpoints/is_topic_available",
      "args": {
        "topic": "/api/v1/tracking/state"

    The args field passed with the request must have the following fields:

    Field Required Description
    topic yes A string, the topic path to check.

    Response message:

    Response to the "check topic availability" request if topic exists:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/endpoints/is_topic_available",
      "result": true,
      "values": {
        "is_available": true

    Response to the "check topic availability" request if topic does not exist:

      "op": "service_response",
      "service": "/api/v1/endpoints/is_topic_available",
      "result": true,
      "values": {
        "is_available": false

    The values returned will have the following fields:

    Field Required Description
    is_available yes A boolean, true if the topic exists, false otherwise.

    Common object definitions

    This section contains definitions of messages used in topic publications and service responses. Every message is an object with one or more strongly typed fields.


    Example of a Container message:

      "id": "4a6f0c",
      "name": "Container 1"

    This object contains information about a container.

    Field Required Description
    id yes A string representing the unique container ID.
    name yes A string, the name of the container.


    Example of a ContainerGroup message for a user-defined group:

      "group_id": "7c0849",
      "group_name": "Group 2",
      "color": "roquefort",
      "container_ids": ["995d22"]

    Example of a ContainerGroup message for a default group:

      "group_id": "",
      "group_name": "",
      "color": "",
      "container_ids": ["52ac65"]

    This object contains information about a container group. The message content differs based on whether it is a user-defined group, or a default group. All containers that appear in the UI as ungrouped belong to the default group.

    Field Required Description
    group_id yes A string representing the unique group ID, or an empty string if it is a default group.
    group_name yes A string, the name of the group. This string will be empty for the default group.
    color yes A string defining group color. This string will be empty for the default group, or one of the predefined set of strings for a user-defined group.
    container_ids yes An array of unique Container IDs belonging to this group. It is guaranteed that the order of the IDs matches the order in which the containers are displayed in the UI.


    Example of a Point2d message:

      "x": 0.5,
      "y": 0.5

    This message is used to describe a point position in 2-dimensional coordinates.

    Field Required Description
    x yes A 32-bit IEEE float number, x coordinate.
    y yes A 32-bit IEEE float number, y coordinate.


    Example of a Policy message:

      "type": "people",
      "people": ["Aristotle"]

    This object contains information about tracking targets.

    Field Required Description
    type yes A string describing the policy type. The supported policy types are
  • people: Select the people to make a static or tracking shot by providing their identifiers.
  • location: Select the persons to track closest to the point the location argument specifies.
  • last_tracked_people: Select the last tracked people or currently being tracked.
  • people yes, if type is people An array of strings defining the people to make a static or tracking shot. Currently, only a single person is allowed. The string can be either of the following:
    location yes, if type is location If the location type is selected, then the system will start tracking the person closest to the specified location.
    • If location is "left", the person closest to the point in the center of the left border of the frame will be tracked.
    • If location is "right", the person closest to the point in the center of the right border of the frame will be tracked.
    • If location is "middle", the person closest to the middle of the frame will be tracked.
    • If location is "point", the location_point argument will be used.
    location_point yes, if type is location and location is point This field must be a Point2d identifying a location in the field of view. Both x and y values must be numbers between 0.1 and 0.99, inclusive. x identifies the horizontal position, and y identifies the vertical one. For example:
    • x = 0.1, y = 0.1: top left corner of the frame.
    • x = 0.1, y = 0.9: bottom left corner of the frame.
    • x = 0.9, y = 0.1: top right corner of the frame.

    TriggerZone - DEPRECATED

    Example of a TriggerZone message:

      "id": "756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
      "name": "Trigger Zone 1",
      "is_enabled": false

    This message is used to describe a trigger zone.

    Field Required Description
    id yes A string, unique ID of the trigger zone.
    name yes A string with the trigger zone name.
    is_enabled yes A boolean indicating whether the zone is enabled or not. When the zone is not enabled, it does not trigger any events.

    TriggerZoneEvent - DEPRECATED

    Example of a TriggerZoneEvent message with "person_entered" type:

      "zone_id": "756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
      "type": "person_entered"

    This message is used to describe an event triggered by a trigger zone.

    Field Required Description
    zone_id yes A string, unique ID of the trigger zone that initiated the event.
    type yes A string identifying event type. Possible values are:
    • person_entered: gets triggered when a VIP enters the zone.
    • person_inside: gets triggered when a VIP stays in the zone for an amount of time, specified by the associated zone.
    • person_left: gets triggered when a VIP leaves the zone.
    person_id yes A string identifying the person triggering the event.


    Example of a ZoneHeader message:

      "name": "My zone 1",
      "id": "756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
      "frame_id": "",
      "type": "vision_trigger_zone"

    This object contains the core data needed to specify a Zone.

    Field Required Description
    name yes A string containing the user-defined name of the Zone.
    id yes A string containing the unique ID of the Zone.
    frame_id yes A string identifying the frame of reference of the Zone. It is currently only in use for audio zones.
    type yes A string identifying the Zone type. Possible values are:
    • vision_trigger_zone: Trigger zone defined for vision sources.
    • audio_trigger_zone: Trigger zone defined for audio sources.
    • vision_exclusion_zone: Exclusion zone defined for vision sources.
    • audio_exclusion_zone: Exclusion zone defined for audio sources.
    • vision_tracking_zone: Tracking zone defined for vision sources.
    • audio_tracking_zone: Tracking zone defined for audio sources.


    Example of a ZoneEvent message with "person_appeared" event:

      "event": "person_appeared",
      "zone": {
        "name": "My zone 1",
        "id": "756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
        "frame_id": "",
        "type": "vision_trigger_zone"
      "caused_by": "15",
      "inside": ["Foo", "10", "15"]

    This message is used to describe an event fired by a Zone.

    Field Required Description
    event yes A string identifying the event type. Possible values are:
    • person_appeared: gets triggered when a person enters the zone.
    • person_disappeared: gets triggered when a person leaves the zone.
    zone yes A ZoneHeader object identifying the zone which emitted the event.
    caused_by yes A string with the person ID or name triggering the event.
    inside yes A list of strings specifying the person IDs or names that are currently inside the Zone which triggered the event.


    Example of a ZoneState message:

      "zone": {
        "name": "My zone 1",
        "id": "756064a6f0c84610b2e63fea54a87c21",
        "frame_id": "",
        "type": "vision_trigger_zone"
      "enabled": true,
      "inside": ["Foo", "10", "15"]

    This message is used to describe a Zone state.

    Field Required Description
    zone yes A ZoneHeader object identifying the Zone which emitted the the event.
    enabled yes A boolean indicating whether the Zone is enabled or not.
    inside yes A list of strings specifying the person IDs or names that are currently inside the Zone.